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Leonardo Pacciani-Mori, Andrea Giometto, Samir Suweis, Amos Maritan
Published in PLOS Computational Biology, 2020
Journal article
Leonardo Pacciani-Mori, Samir Suweis, Amos Maritan, Andrea Giometto
Published in The ISME Journal, 2021
Journal article
Rachel Gregor, Julie Johnston, Lisa Shu Yang Coe, Natalya Evans, Desiree Forsythe, Robert Jones, Daniel Muratore, Bruno Francesco Rodrigues de Oliveira, Rachel Szabo, Yu Wan, Jelani Williams, Callie R Chappell, Shayle B Matsuda, Melanie Ortiz Alvarez de la Campa, Queer and Trans in Microbiology Consortium, JL Weissman
Published in mSystems, 2023
Journal article
Understanding the origin of biodiversity.
Understanding how community of competing species adapt to environmental conditions.
This talk has been held during the conference Stochastic Models in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.
This talk has been held during the parallel sessions of the 4th Italian Conference of Physics Students.
This talk has been held during the ‘‘youth session’’ of the 104th Congress of the Italian Physical Society, as the prize for ‘‘Best parallel talk’’ of the 4th Italian Conference of Physics Students.
This talk has been held during the Conference on Complex Systems 2018.
This talk has been held during the Workshop “The physics of complex systems IV: from Padova to the rest of the world and back”.
This talk has been held during the parallel sessions of the 5th Italian Conference of Physics Students.
This poster has been shown during the poster session of the 5th Italian Conference of Physics Students.
This talk has been held during the online conference Paris Biological Physics Community Day 2020.
This talk was part of the PopDyn seminar series.
This talk was part of the SIFS young seminar seminar series.
The poster was shown during the annual meeting of the PriME collaboration at the Simons Foundation in New York.
This talk was given during one of the monthly online meetings of the PriME collaboration.
This poster was shown during the Gordon Research Seminar Stochastic Physics in Biology
This talk was given during the Gordon Research Seminar Stochastic Physics in Biology.
This poster was shown during the Gordon Research Conference Stochastic Physics in Biology, and was awarded one of the poster awards.
This poster was shown during the Simons Foundation Annual Meeting of Postdoctoral Fellows in Marine Microbial Ecology and Early Career Investigators in Marine Microbial Ecology and Evolution.
The poster was shown during the annual meeting of the PriME collaboration at the Simons Foundation in New York.
This poster was shown during the Advanced School on Quantitative Principles in Microbial Physiology held at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy.
Undergraduate course, University of Padua, Department of Physics, 2018
This course, held in italian, is part of the activities organized by the Padua Local Committee of the Italian Association of Physics Students and it is aimed at undergraduate students who still haven’t learned how to use $\LaTeX$, or know just the very basics. The aim of the course is to lay the foundations of a basic knowledge of $\LaTeX$: at the end of the course attendees will not be experts of $\LaTeX$ but will know how to write basic documents like lab reports, theses and presentations, and will have the knowledge and instruments to learn independently new and more elaborate aspects of the language.
Tutorial, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, 2020
Tutorial of the online Winter School on Quantitative Systems Biology organized by ICTP.
Graduate course, University of California, San Diego, 2022
I have acted as Teaching Assistant for the course PHYS 239: Spatiotemporal Dynamics in Biological Systems during the Winter Quarter 2022.
Graduate course, University of California, San Diego, 2024
I have acted as Teaching Assistant for the course PHYS 210B: Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics during the Winter Quarter 2024.